Wednesday, May 9, 2012

life, love, and understanding

Marge Piercy once said “Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third”. This quote allows me to realize how big these three subjects truly are in a person’s life. Without life we would be no one. Without love we wouldn’t know one of the greatest happiness’s of one’s life. Without understanding we would be lost and confused. Imagine what life would be like without one of those three things. If you’re missing one you’re missing it all. In my perspective one’s life cannot be fully fulfilled if you are missing one of these three things.

What would life be without having someone to love? How would you feel if you were to come into this world knowing that no one was going to love you and you were going to love no one? Would you still want to be here? I certainly would not. I can’t even bear the thought of not having my friends and family in my life, the ones I love the most. Life would be so lonely and sorrowful without having someone to love, someone to tell all your secrets to or without someone to trust.

I have come to learn that love comes with its ups and its downs. Eventually we will all have that one person who we love so dearly but who does not love us back. Being in love can cause heart ache, pain, and anger if we love the wrong person. Yet I would rather feel all that sorrow and pain then to not feel love at all. It justly is one of the greatest gifts that could be given to an individual.
Understanding, another gift that is handed to us. Imagine what life would be like if we didn’t understand some of the simples concepts of life. How would we truly go on? Like I said before without understanding we would be lost and confused. How could you live your life confused, or without knowing? One thing that frustrates me the most is being confused. I hate when I can’t wrap my mind around a concept or idea. I hate having that feeling of “Gosh! I just want to give up!” Now imagine living your life in such a matter.

Life, love, and understanding are essential to a person’s soul. You can’t have one without the other. This is why I think we should all cherish these aspects in our lives. Just because they are essential doesn’t mean that we all have them.


  1. Great! I liked how you orderly discussed each meaning from the quote and used your own examples to synchronize with the overall post. I also completely agree with you! Life would be hard without have a sense of understanding or knowledge, not being able to grasp important concepts would make my life bitter. Or not having love, I would feel lonely in every way, going home and having no love, going to school as well, it makes me sad just thinking about it! Life! How important life is, these three things are important and have a great effect in our lives

  2. Thonacxy,as Kelley said I like how you organized this because this all corollates because I don't think I would want to be here if I didn't have anyone to love.this hits me right between the eyes but it also makes me think about life and how I should cherish every moment and revert person :) the descriptions and real life experiences also a plus to your writing.

  3. Hey Thonacxy :D I agree with your post an i loved it. (: Your post made me realize a lot of things and made me think about what you said"How would you feel if you were to come into this world knowing that no one was going to love you and you were going to love no one?", it just merely astonished me because I've never really thought about that. But i guess eventually everyone meets their soul mate. And it also makes me think about how i should appreciate the little things in life and i also liked how you presented some examples of experiences that we all go thorough. Overall it was great! Respond to my blog please , i would truly appreciate it (:

  4. Thonacxy! :D
    I like how you went into detail with love, life,understanding. I can't imagine being lonely in this world without the love of my family and friends. Life would suck not having family or friends. and your right love has its up and down.we just have to bare with it. Overall you did a GREAT job!

  5. Very powerful quote. your comments make me sympathize for those that have never found love and so have given up. would be great if you gave a personal account of some sort, all of what you said was purely speculation.
